Montana Named One of the Best States for Retirement

Montana was recently named one of the 10 best states for retirement in 2015 by Bankrate. Bankrate ranked all 50 states for a variety of factors that are important to seniors including low cost of living, strong health care systems, low crime, low tax rates and comfortable temperatures among other things.

Of all 10 states on the list, Montana came in at #7. According to Bankrate, Montana’s strengths were personal well-being and low taxes. Close proximity to nature and national parks were significant factors as well as low cost of living, reasonable taxes and a relatively low crime rate.

See the full list at

12 Things You Should Know Before Moving to Bozeman, MT


We make it a point to be nice to our fellow road-sharers here in Bozeman. A honking horn is about as rare as a May without snow. So unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb, take your hand off the horn.


You know you a real Montanan from a fake one when you pass them on a dirt road and they give you the my-hand-is-still-on-the-steering-wheel-but-i’m-making-the-effort-to-acknowledge-you-wave.

Read the rest at

Bozeman Real Estate Market – February 2015

Bozeman’s real estate market is off to a good start in 2015! We’ve seen an increased amount of inventory and increased number of homes sold in Bozeman in February.

The number of homes listed this February was up 12% compared to February of 2014. The number of homes sold increased 38% compared to last month, and 25% compared to February 2014. Of the homes sold in Bozeman in February, 55% were single family homes, 15% were townhomes and 31% were condos.

The average sale price of a single family home in Bozeman was $355,828 in February, the average sale price of a condo in Bozeman was $219,688 and the average sale price of a townhome in Bozeman was $317,352.

See the full Bozeman Real Estate Market Update